Really, this is all in the pursuit of happiness. Balance, success = happy girl.
Here's what I've concocted for myself goal wise:
Adieu schakolad, mon amore! Extra dark chocolate has become an obsession with me more recently. I view it as the only acceptable "naughty" item that I can validate eating without considering it a massive cheat. But here's the rub: I crave it constantly. I'm buying and nibbling the stuff in some small amounts almost every day. And last week, when my chocolate molds arrived, I couldn't stop thinking of all the amazing treats I wanted to create. The dark stuff has become a sort of crutch and that's no bueno. So I'm going cold turkey. This lends itself to the overall
Getting back to basics, a sort of Paleo Challenge Redux. In six weeks time I will be at the 2011 Crossfit Games Mid-Atlantic Regionals as a volunteer. It will be an amazing weekend, guaranteed. So from now until then I'm challenging myself to stay committed to Paleo eating and 4 WODS a week. I'll enhance this commitment by avoiding the chocolate crutch AND giving up television!
While mulling over my schedule and examinging how jam packed it is I lamented the absence of several other daily activities I need to incorporate (journal writing, bible study, book reading, room cleaning). There just isn't room for it all, but I could open up at least 30 minutes - 1 hour a day if I hid the remote. I'd get to sleep faster for sure. And sleep has been severely lacking more recently. Not to mention lack of sleep can lead to poor food choices...vicious cycle!
So there we have it: No chocolate, no TV, clean eating, 6 weeks.
If you read through all of that then let me leave you with this little gem courtesy of The Clothes Make the Girl. It's a super delicious beet salad that I've made twice, the first time with yellow beets then for Easter I stuck to traditional red ones. They plate up beautifully and the taste is exciting. These compliment simply flavored meats and are proving fantastic as leftovers. So go buy a bunch of beets and don't worry about purple fingers, it's temporary :D
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